Recursion occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type. It is used in a variety of disciplines ranging from linguistics to logic. The most common application of recursion is in mathematics and computer science, where a function being defined is applied within its own definition. While this apparently defines an infinite number of instances (function values), it is often done in such a way that no loop or infinite chain of references can occur.
"...To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion"
"...Did you mean recursion?"
Sum All Numbers in a Range
Explanation: Returns the sum between two numbers passed in an array.
function sumAll(arr) {
let sum = function iter(num) {
if (num > arr[arr.length - 1]) {
return 0;
} else {
return num + iter(++num); // defer addition operation, callback function and pass incremented number (++num)
// iter(5) # [min, max] <=> [5, 10]
// (num > arr[arr.length - 1]) # false
// return 5 + iter(6)
// .
// .
// .
// return 5 + iter(6 + iter(7 + iter(8 + iter(9 + iter(10 + iter(11))))))
// return 5 + iter(6 + iter(7 + iter(8 + iter(9 + iter(10 + 0)))))
// return 5 + iter(6 + iter(7 + iter(8 + iter(9 + 10)))))
// return 5 + iter(6 + iter(7 + iter(8 + 19)))
// return 5 + iter(6 + iter(7 + 27))
// return 5 + iter(6 + 34)
// return 5 + 40
// return 45
return sum(arr.sort(function(a,b) {
return a - b;
Explanation: Returns the distinct items between two arrays.
function diffArray(arr1, arr2) {
let n = arr1.length;
let k = arr2.length;
if (n === 0) { return arr2; }
if (k === 0) { return arr1; }
let max = function compareNumbers(a, b) { return a > b; };
let biggerArr = k;
let larger = max(n, k);
if (larger) { biggerArr = n; }
function merge(arr, indx) { // concat arrays
if (max(indx, biggerArr)) {
return arr; // return array once index exceeds length of biggest array
} else {
return merge(arr, ++indx);
function isDistinct(el, i, iter) { // checks for duplicates
if (iter === i) { // skip current index checking for
if (iter > concatArr.length - 1) { // no duplicates
return true;
} else if (el == concatArr[iter]) { // if current index is a duplicate
return false;
} else {
return isDistinct(el, i, ++iter);
function remove(arr, indx) { // remove duplicates
if (indx >= concatArr.length - 2) {
return arr;
} else { // if distinct, push element
if (isDistinct(concatArr[indx], indx, 0)) {
} // else, continue
return remove(arr, ++indx);
const concatArr = merge([], 0); // concat arrays
return remove([], 0); // distinct array
Explanation: Removes all elements from the initial array that are of the same value as the arguments passed.
function destroyer(arr,...args) {
function concat(newArr, len) { // concat args passed
if (len > args.length - 1) {
return newArr;
} else {
return concat(newArr, ++len);
function shouldReject(el, i, indx) { // check if equal to args passed
if (i > reject.length - 1) {
return false;
} else if (el === reject[i]) {
return true;
} else {
return shouldReject(el, ++i, indx);
function iter(indx) { // iterate gross array
if (indx > arr.length - 1) {
return arr;
} else { // if equal to args, delete element
if (shouldReject(arr[indx], 0, indx)) {
delete arr[indx];
} // else, continue
return iter(++indx);
function remove(tempArr, newArr, indx) { // filter array
if (indx > tempArr.length - 1) {
return newArr;
} else {
if (tempArr[indx] != undefined) {
return remove(tempArr, newArr, ++indx);
let reject = concat([], 0); // args array
let temp = iter(0); // array, net of args
if (temp.length === 0) {
return [];
return remove(temp, [], 0); // array, net of undefined
Explanation: Looks through an array of objects (first argument) and returns an array of all objects that have matching name and value pairs (second argument).
function whatIsInAName(collection, source) {
let src = Object.values(source); // array of source keys from source object
let srcKeys = Object.keys(source); // array of source values from source object
function counter(k, collectionKey, collectionObj, srcIndx) { // checks if the collection object passed matches any source objects
if (srcIndx > src.length - 1) {
return k; // return count of matches, 0 in this case
} else {
if (collectionObj[collectionKey] === src[srcIndx] && srcKeys[srcIndx] === collectionKey) {
return ++k; // found match, return 1;
}// else, keep iterating
return counter(k, collectionKey, collectionObj, ++srcIndx);
function iter(arr, count, i, j) { // iterate through object collection
if (i > collection.length - 1) {
return arr;
} else {
// Had to use a loop, no alternative: //
// On the other hand, it still meets the conditions of recursion:
for (let key in collection[i]) {
count += counter(0, key ,collection[i], j); // check if collection object matches any source objects
if (count >= src.length) { // push objects from collection array that have >= identical objects from source object
} // continue iterating through collection array (++i), reset count and source index
return iter(arr, 0, ++i, 0);
return iter([], 0, 0, 0);
Explanation: Converts a string to spinal case. Spinal case is all-lowercase-words-joined-by-dashes.
function spinalCase(str) {
function underscored(strng, i) { // convert characters that are (/\W|\_/g) to underscore
if (i >= str.length - 1) {
return strng + str[str.length - 1]; // append last char that was skipped
} else {
if (/\W|\_/g.test(str[i])) { // skip character if character is a subset of (/\W|\_/g)
} // checks if char is lowercase and the char at i + 1 is uppercase, if so append "_" (Note: skips checking last char)
if (str[i] === str[i].toLowerCase() && str[i + 1] === str[i + 1].toUpperCase()) {
strng = strng + str[i] + "_";
} else { // otherwise, append without "_"
strng = strng + str[i];
return underscored(strng, ++i);
function spinalfy(tempStr, strng, j) { // checks if char is (/\_/g) to replace it with "-"
if (j > tempStr.length - 1) {
return strng;
} else {
if (/\_/g.test(tempStr[j])) { // append empty string with "-" if temp string is "_"
strng += "-";
} else { // Otherwise, lowercase temp string and append to new string
strng += tempStr[j].toLowerCase();
return spinalfy(tempStr, strng, ++j);
let temp = underscored("", 0); // string with underscore instead of whitespace
return spinalfy(temp, "", 0);
Explanation: Translates the provided string to pig latin. Pig Latin takes the first consonant (or consonant cluster) of an English word, moves it to the end of the word and suffixes an "ay". If a word begins with a vowel you just add "way" to the end. This assumes that input strings are in english words and in all lowercase..
function translatePigLatin(str) {
const vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]; // vowel array, since iterating/typing 5 letters is easier than 21 letters (consonants)
function startCons(letter, i) { // checks if the letter is a vowel, if a letter is not a vowel then it is a consonant, and vice-versa
if (i > vowels.length - 1) {
return true;
} else {
if (letter === vowels[i]) { // return false if the letter is a vowel
return false;
} // otherwise, continue iterating through vowels
return startCons(letter, ++i);
if (!startCons(str[0], 0)) { // if the first letter is a vowel, return vowel + "way"
return str + "way";
} else {
function concatCons(strng, i) { // appends string until the letter is a vowel
if (i > str.length - 1 || !startCons(str[i], 0)) {
return strng;
} else {
strng += str[i];
return concatCons(strng, ++i);
function sliceStr(strng, i) { // appends string starting at index where appending consonant stopped appending
if (i > str.length - 1) {
return strng;
} else {
strng += str[i];
return sliceStr(strng, ++i);
let constnt = concatCons("", 0); // consonant half
let slice = sliceStr("", constnt.length); // sliced half
return slice + constnt + "ay"; // pig latin
Explanation: Performs a search and replaces the sentences using the arguments provided and returns the new sentence. First argument is the sentence to perform the search and replace on. Second argument is the word that you will be replacing (before). Third argument is what will be replacing the second argument with (after). (Note: Preserves the case of the first character in the original word. For example if the word "Book" is to be replaced with the word "dog", it should be replaced as "Dog"
function myReplace(str, before, after) {
function toArr(arr, i, strng) { // converts passed string to array
if (i > strng.length - 1) {
return arr;
} else {
if (/\W/g.test(strng[i])) { // replace non-word characters with "-"
} else {
arr.push(strng[i]); // append letters to string
return toArr(arr, ++i, strng);
function toStringArr(newStr, arr, i) { // converts passed array to string
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return newStr;
} else {
if (arr[i] === undefined) {
} // if the appended array is at the last letter and the remaining indexes are undefined
if (arr[i] === undefined && i >= (str.length - before.length + after.length + 1)) {
return toStringArr(newStr, arr, ++i).trim();
if (/\W/g.test(arr[i])) {
newStr += " ";
} else {
newStr += arr[i];
return toStringArr(newStr, arr, ++i).trim();
function replaceArr(arr, i) { // appends array with replacement arguement
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return arr;
} else {
if (arr[i] === before[0]) { // check if letter is equal to first lettter of letter to be replaced (before)
if (findIndx(i, 0, 0)) { // iterate through word letter by letter to check if the word is the word to be replaced
function erase(newArr, j, k) { // if true, deletes the word letter by letter
if (newArr[j] === "-" || k > before.length - 1) {
return newArr;
} else {
delete newArr[j];
return erase(newArr, ++j, ++k); // iterate through the word letter by letter
function insert(newArr, j, k) { // append the replacement word letter by letter where the previous word (before) was deleted
if (newArr[j] === "-" || k > after.length - 1) {
return newArr;
} else {
newArr[j] = after[k];
return insert(newArr, ++j, ++k);
let erased = erase(arr, i, 0); // array with previous word (before) deleted
let replaced = insert(erased, i, 0); // array with new word (after) appended
if (before[0] == before[0].toUpperCase()) {
replaced[i] = after[0].toUpperCase();
return toStringArr("", replaced, 0); // return replaced array as string
let replaced = replaceArr(arr, ++i); // if a string is returned, it stops iteration since "replaced" is returned
return replaced;
function findIndx(strIndx, beforeIndx, wordCount) { // searches the index for replacement
if (wordCount > before.length - 1 || str[strIndx] == "-") {
return true;
} else {
if (str[strIndx].toLowerCase() != before[beforeIndx].toLowerCase()) {
return false;
} else {
return findIndx(++strIndx, ++beforeIndx, ++wordCount);
let strArr = toArr([], 0, str); // string converted to array
return replaceArr(strArr, 0); // array converted to string with replacement
Explanation: Returns the provided character as the first element in each array and matches the missing element to the provided character by taking each character, getting its pair and returning the results as a 2d array. Base pairs are a pair of AT and CG. The character and its pair are paired up in an array, and all the arrays are grouped into one encapsulating array.
function pairElement(str) {
let pairs = { // create base pairs object so they can be accessed by their corresponding pair
"A": "T", // (key: value)
"T": "A",
"C": "G",
"G": "C"
function toArr(arr, i, strng) { // converts string to array
if (i > strng.length - 1) {
return arr;
} else {
return toArr(arr, ++i, strng);
function pairIter(newArr, arr, i) { // iterates through str array and returns new array with corresponding pairs
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return newArr;
} else {
let temp = []; // create 1-D array
temp.push(arr[i]); // push value of str array at index i (key)
temp.push(pairs[arr[i]]); // push corresponding pair of str value at index i (value)
newArr.push(temp); // push 1-D array to empty array (2-D array)
return pairIter(newArr, arr, ++i);
return pairIter([], toArr([], 0, str), 0);
Explanation: Finds the missing letter in the passed letter range and returns it. Returns undefined if all letters are present in the range.
function fearNotLetter(str) {
function toArr(arr, i, strng) { // convert str to array
if (i > strng.length) {
return arr;
} else {
return toArr(arr, ++i, strng);
function sort(arr, i) { // sort array from lest to greatest <=> [min,...,max]
if (i >= arr.length - 1) {
return arr;
} else {
function iter(tempArr, j) { // iterate through items one by one check if element at i + 1 is greater
if (j >= tempArr.length - 1) { // return array if counter is >= length of array
return tempArr;
} else {
if (tempArr[j] > tempArr[j + 1]) { // if greater, switch
let temp = tempArr[j + 1];
tempArr[j + 1] = tempArr[j];
tempArr[j] = temp;
return iter(tempArr, ++j); // else, keep iterating
arr = iter(arr, 0); // sort array
// 0: [5, 4, 3, 1]
// . [4, 5, 3, 1]
// . [4, 3, 5, 1]
// j=3 [4, 3, 1, 5]
// return([4, 3, 1, 5], ++i)
return sort(arr, ++i); // pass sorted array, keep iterating
function iterate(arr, i) { // iterate through sorted array
if (i >= arr.length - 2) {
return undefined // return undefined if no missing gaps between letters
} else {
if (1 < arr[i + 1].charCodeAt(0) - arr[i].charCodeAt(0)) { // if letter at i+1 (greater) - at i (less) > 1
return String.fromCharCode(arr[i + 1].charCodeAt(0) - 1); // then return the missing letter to complete the gap (letter[i + 1] - 1)
return iterate(arr, ++i); // keep iterating through array
return iterate(sort(toArr([], 0, str), 0), 0); // (i.e., iterate(sort(toArr([], 0, "abce"), 0), 0))
Explanation: Takes two or more arrays and returns a new array of unique values in the order of the original provided arrays. All values present from all arrays are included in their original order, but with no duplicates in the final array. The unique numbers are sorted by their original order, but the final array is not sorted in numerical order.
function uniteUnique(...arr) { // S[0] + S[i] + S[i + 1] + . . . + S[n] | x[i] != x[o]
function subSet(s1, i, j) { // Returns the first array with the proceeding arrays distinct elements
if (j > arr[i].length - 1) {
return s1; // return arr[0] + arr[i] | x[0] != {x[i], x[i + 1], . . . , x[k]}
} else {
let isSubSet = false;
let k = 0;
while (k < s1.length) { // iterate through first array to check if any elements match the array being compared to
if (s1[k] === arr[i][j]) { // if match, then the element is a subset (true)
isSubSet = true;
k++; // otherwise (false), keep iterating through first array (k++)
if (!isSubSet) { // if the element is not a subset, then push (not false)
return subSet(s1, i, ++j); // keep iterating through array (++j)
function appendSet(set, i) { // returns the first array with the other arrays (...arr - arr[0]) distinct elements
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return set;
} else {
set = subSet(set, i, 0);
return appendSet(set, ++i);
let s1 = arr[0]; // first array
return appendSet(s1, 1); // start count at 1 (...arr - arr[0])
Explanation: Converts the characters &, <, >, " (double quote), and ' (apostrophe), in a string to their corresponding HTML entities.
function convertHTML(str) {
function convert(char) {
switch(char) {
case "&":
return char + "amp;";
case "<":
return "&" + "lt;";
case ">":
return "&" + "gt;";
case "\"":
return "&" + "quot;";
case "\'":
return "&" + "apos;";
return char;
function toHTML(arr, i) {
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return "";
} else {
let strHTML = convert(arr[i]);
return strHTML + toHTML(arr, ++i);
return toHTML(str.split(""), 0);
Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers
Explanation: Returns the sum of all odd Fibonacci numbers that are less than or equal to the number passed. The first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 1 and 1. Every additional number in the sequence is the sum of the two previous numbers. The first six numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8.
Relevant links:
function sumFibs(num) { // linear iterative
function iter(sum,f1, f2) { // iterate through the fibonacci numbers less than or equal to the number passed (num)
if (f2 > num) { // if the fibonacci number is > than num, return sum
return sum;
} else {
if (f2 % 2 != 0) { // if the fibonacci number is not even, add to sum
sum += f2;
return iter(sum, f2, f1 + f2); // else, transpose iteration f1 -> f2, f2 -> f1 + f2
return iter(0, 0, 1);
Explanation: Sums the prime numbers up to and including the provided number. A prime number is defined as a number greater than one and having only two divisors, one and itself. For example, 2 is a prime number because it's only divisible by one and two.
Relevant links:
function sumPrimes(num) {
function prime(num) { // tests the number (n) for divisibility by successive integers starting with 2
function divisor(d) { // if d is a divisor of n, then so is n/d. But d and n/d canno't both be greater than sqrt(n)
if (d**2 > num) { // if n is not prime, it must have a divisor <= sqrt(num)
return num;
} else if (num % d == 0) {
return d;
} else {
return divisor(++d);
return num == divisor(2); // start prime iterator at 2
function iter(i, sum) { // iterate through range [0,num] <=> [0,1,2,...,i <= num]
if (i > num) {
return sum;
} else {
if (prime(i)) { // if the number (i) is prime, then add to sum
sum = sum + i;
return iter(++i, sum);
return iter(2, 0); // start range at 2, since every integer is divisible by 1 and dividing by 0 is not defined. Primes have 2 divisors, 1 however only has 1...
Explanation: Finds the smallest common multiple of the provided parameters that can be evenly divided by both, as well as by all sequential numbers in the range between the parameters. The range will be an array of two numbers that will not necessarily be in numerical order.
Relevant links:
function smallestCommons(arr) { // uses prime factorization method
function prime(num) { // checks for primality
function divisor(d) {
if (d**2 > num) {
return num;
} else if (num % d == 0) {
return d;
} else {
return divisor(++d);
return num == divisor(2);
function primeArr(list, count) { // generate primes less than or equal to max (arr[1])
if (count > arr[1]) {
return list;
} else {
if (prime(count)) {
return primeArr(list, ++count);
arr.sort(function(a, b) { // sort the two integers passed from least to greatest ([min,max])
return a - b;
let primes = primeArr([], 2); // array of prime numbers less than or equal to max integer (arr[1])
let factors = {}; // empty object to pass numbers
for (let i = arr[0]; i <= arr[1]; i++) { // iterate through the numbers range ([min, min + 1,...,max] <=> [arr[0],arr[1]])
let primeFactors = {}; // empty object to pass the numbers prime divisors and exponents
for (let j = 0; j < primes.length; j++) { // iterate through prime numbers array
if (i % primes[j] == 0) { // checks if the prime number is a factor
let temp = i; // for reference for the number to factor
let count = 1; // keep track of exponents
while (temp >= 1) { // keep dividing until the number is greater than or equal to 1
temp = Math.round(temp / primes[j]);
if (temp % primes[j] !== 0) { // break if the number canno't be divided evenly by the prime number anymore
} // prime factors object (primeFactors{})
Object.defineProperty(primeFactors, primes[j], { // add the prime number (prime[j]) as an attribute to reference its exponents for the number
value: count, // (i.e., if number (i) is 10 and the prime factor is 2 then primeFactors[2] = 3, since 2**y <= 10 | y <= 3)
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
} // numbers object (factors{})
Object.defineProperty(factors, i, { // add the number (i) as an attribute to reference its prime object which refers to how many times the prime object can factor the number
value: primeFactors, // (i.e., factors[10][primefactors[2]] = 3 because 2**y <= 10 | y <= 3)
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
let divisors = []; // divisors.length === exp.length, easier to access the values when 1-D array
let exp = [];
for (let nums in factors) { // numbers range
for (let primeDivs in factors[nums]) { // prime divisors (primeFacts), exponents factors[nums][primeDivs]
let product = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
let primeNum = primes[i];
let maxExp = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < divisors.length; j++) {
if (primeNum == divisors[j] && maxExp < exp[j]) { // For each prime number which divides any of the numbers (arr[0],....,arr[1])
maxExp = exp[j]; // take the largest power which with which it appears, and multiply the results together
} //
if (maxExp > 0) {
product = product * (primeNum ** maxExp);
return product;
Explanation: Iterates through and removes each element starting from the first element (the 0 index) until the function returns true when the iterated element is passed through it which returns the remaining array. Otherwise, an empty array is returned.
function dropElements(arr, func) {
function iter(i) {
if (i > arr.length - 1) { // returns empty array if all callbacks are false
return [];
} else if (!func(arr[i])) { // if the callback to the function passed is false (not false), keep iterating
return iter(++i);
} else { // slice (i, end) and return the array at the index the callback is true
return arr.slice(i, arr.length);
return iter(0);
Explanation: Flattens (n-D -> 1-D) a nested array and accounts for varying levels of nesting.
function steamrollArray(arr) {
let newArr = []; // array in the global scope of the function
function iterArr(x) {
if (Array.isArray(x)) { // if array passed at index i is another array (not element)
for (let j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
iterArr(x[j]); // function callback to itself to pass back the array 1-level deeper
} else {
newArr.push(x); // push element to the global array (newArr)
function iter(i) { // iterates through the passed array (arr)
if (i > arr.length - 1) { // return new array (1-D) if count (i) exceeds length of array (arr) index
return newArr;
} else {
iterArr(arr[i]); // pass array at index i
return iter(++i);
return iter(0); // call iter to return new array
Explanation: Returns the English translated sentence of the passed binary string.
Relevant links:
function binaryAgent(str) {
function iter(newStr, arr, i) { // pass str as array of words (.split(" "))
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return ""; // return empty string after last index
} else {
newStr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arr[i], 2)); // parse word (arr[i]) to integer equivalent (binary), than UTF-16 units (.fromCharCode())
return newStr + iter(newStr, arr, ++i); // deferred
return iter("", str.split(" "), 0);
Explanation: Checks if the predicate (second argument) is truthy on all elements of a collection (first argument). The predicate pre will be an object property, it will be returned true if its value is truthy. Otherwise false.
function truthCheck(collection, pre) {
function isTrue(obj) {
for (let key in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(pre) || !Boolean(obj[pre])) {
return false; // return false if either is !false (not false)
return true; // else, return true
function iter(i) { // iterate through array
if (i > collection.length - 1) {
return true;
} else {
if(isTrue(collection[i])) { // check if object at index i is truthy
return iter(++i); // if so, keep iterating
return false; // otherwise, return false
return iter(0);
Explanation: Sums two arguments together. Returns a function that expects one argument and returns the sum if only one argument is provided. If either argument is not valid, returns undefined
Relevant links:
function addTogether() {
function isNumber(arr, i) { // checks if arguments passed are numbers
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return true;
} else if (typeof arr[i] !== "number") {
return false;
} else {
return isNumber(arr, ++i);
if (isNumber([...arguments], 0)) { // check if arguments meet the constraints
if ([...arguments].length == 1) {
const first = arguments[0]; // if only 1 number is passed, store variable (first)
return function(second) {
if (typeof second !== "number") { // check second argument passed
return undefined;
} else {
return first + second;
} else {
return arguments[0] + arguments[1];
} else {
return undefined; // return undefined otherwise
Explanation: The methods take only strings as arguments for interaction with the object.
Relevant links:
var Person = function(firstAndLast) {
let name = firstAndLast; // parent variable (global scope)
this.getFullName = function() {
return this.getFirstName() + " " + this.getLastName();
this.getFirstName = function() {
return name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2').split(" ")[0]; // format
this.getLastName = function() {
return name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2').split(" ")[1]; // // format
this.setFirstName = function(first) {
name = first + this.getLastName();
this.setLastName = function(last) {
name = this.getFirstName() + last;
this.setFullName = function(firstAndLastIn) {
name = firstAndLastIn;
Explanation: Returns a new array that transforms the elements' average altitude into their orbital periods (in seconds).
Relevant links:
function orbitalPeriod(arr) {
var GM = 398600.4418;
var earthRadius = 6367.4447;
let newArr = []; // array to be returned
function transform(avrgAlt) { // transforms average altitude to orbital orbital period equivalent
return Math.round(2 * Math.PI * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(earthRadius + avrgAlt, 3) / GM));
function pushObj(obj) {
let temp = {};
temp["name"] = obj["name"];
temp["orbitalPeriod"] = transform(obj["avgAlt"]); // transform
newArr.push(temp); // push array with object
function iter(i) { // iterate through array
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return newArr;
} else {
pushObj(arr[i]); // iterate through object
return iter(++i);
return iter(0);
Explanation: Returns true if the given string is a palindrome. Otherwise, returns false. A palindrome is a word or sentence that is spelled the same way both forward and backward, ignoring punctuation, case, and spacing.
Relevant links:
Run Code
function palindrome(str) {
function toArrFilter(newArr, arr, i) { // filter array
if (i > arr.length - 1) {
return newArr;
} else {
if ((/\w/g).test(arr[i]) && !(/\_/g).test(arr[i])) {
return toArrFilter(newArr, arr, ++i);
function iterStr(arr, min, max) { // iterate through array
if (min >= max) {
return true;
} else {
if (arr[min] !== arr[max]) {
return false;
return iterStr(arr, ++min, --max);
const strArr = toArrFilter([], str.split(""), 0); // convert string to array
return iterStr(strArr, 0, strArr.length - 1);
Explanation: Convert a given number into a roman numeral. All roman numerals answers should be provided in upper-case.
Relevant links:
Run Code
// Note: 0, 4, 9, 40, 90, 400, and 900 are not prime roman numerals but were added to get around the rules of adding and subtracting roman numerals
// store prime roman numerals in object so they can be accessed by key via decimal number
const numbers = {
// ones: 1, 4, 5, 9
0: "",
1: "I",
4: "IV",
5: "V",
9: "IX",
// tens: 10, 40, 50, 90
10: "X",
40: "XL",
50: "L",
90: "XC",
// hundreds: 100, 400, 500, 900
100: "C",
400: "CD",
500: "D",
900: "CM",
// thousands: 1000
1000: "M"
function convert(num, temp, str) {
if (num <= 0) { // return accumulated string if decimal number is less than zero
return str;
} else {
if (numbers[temp] != undefined) { // check if decimal number is a prime number in terms of roman numerals
str += numbers[temp]; // if prime, push to string
return convert(num - temp, num - temp, str);
} else {
return convert(num, --temp, str);
// convertToRoman(45)
// convert(45, 45, "") // num <= 0 # false
// if (numbers[45] != undefined) # false
// return convert(45, 45 - 1, "")
// .
// .
// .
// if (numbers[40] != undefined) # true
// str = "" + "XL"
// return convert(45 - 40, 45 - 40, "XL")
// if (numbers[5] != undefined) # true
// str = "XL" + "V"
// return convert(5 - 5, 5 - 5, "XLV")
// convert(0, 0, "XLV") // num <= 0 # true
// return "XLV"
function convertToRoman(num) {
return convert(num, num, "");
Explanation: Shifts the letters by some set amount. A common modern use is the ROT13 cipher, where the values of the letters are shifted by 13 places: 'A' ↔ 'N', 'B' ↔ 'O' and so on.
Relevant links:
Run Code
function rot13(str) {
function codeArr(obj, i) { // corresponding encryption to letters (i.e., A -> N)
if (i > "A".charCodeAt(0) + 12) { // 26 letters in alphabet, M (13) -> Z (26)
return obj;
} else {
obj[String.fromCharCode(i)] = String.fromCharCode(i + 13); // i.e., obj["A"] = "N"
obj[String.fromCharCode(i + 13)] = String.fromCharCode(i); // i.e., obj["N"] = "A"
return codeArr(obj, ++i);
function iterStr(newStr, i) { // iterate through string argument
if (i > str.length - 1) {
return newStr;
} else {
if (obj[str[i]] !== undefined) { // append corresponding alphabet transform (encrypt)
newStr += obj[str[i]];
} else {
newStr += str[i] // otherwise append str (i.e., whitespace, etc.)
return iterStr(newStr, ++i);
let obj = codeArr({}, "A".charCodeAt(0));
let newStr = ""; // empty string to return encrypted string
return iterStr("", 0);
Explanation: Accepts purchase price as the first argument (price), payment as the second argument (cash), and cash-in-drawer (cid) as the third argument. (cid) is a 2D array listing available currency. The checkRegister() function always returns an object with a status and a change key:
- Returns { status: "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", change: [ ] } if cash-in drawer is less than the change due, or if the exact change canno't be returned.
- Returns { status: "OPEN", change: [ . . . ] }, with the change due in coins and bills, sorted in highest to lowest order, as the value of the change key.
Currency Unit |
Amount |
Penny |
$0.01 (PENNY) |
Nickel |
$0.05 (NICKEL) |
Dime |
$0.10 (DIME) |
Quarter |
$0.25 (QUARTER) |
Dollar |
$1 (DOLLAR) |
Five Dollars |
$5 (FIVE) |
Ten Dollars |
$10 (TEN) |
Twenty Dollars |
$20 (TWENTY) |
One-hundred Dollars |
$100 (ONE HUNDRED) |
Relevant links:
function checkCashRegister(price, cash, cid) {
let denomination = { // refer to coin denomination by value
"PENNY": 0.01,
"NICKEL": 0.05,
"DIME": 0.10,
"QUARTER": 0.25,
"ONE": 1.00,
"FIVE": 5.00,
"TEN": 10.00,
"TWENTY": 20.00,
"ONE HUNDRED": 100.00
function round(x) { // round to nearest hundredths to account for floating point
return Math.round(x * 100) / 100;
function iterCid(sum, due, i) { // sum total value of drawer
if (i > cid.length - 1) {
if (sum == due) {
return "CLOSED";
} else {
return "OPEN";
} else {
sum += cid[i][1];
return iterCid(sum, due, ++i);
function countChange(event, due) { // calculate change owed
let obj = {};
if (event == "CLOSED") { // if total value of drawer equal change owed, return drawer as is
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < cid.length; i++) {
let temp = [];
obj["status"] = "CLOSED";
obj["change"] = arr;
return obj;
} else { // otherwise, calculate change owed
let coins = []; // coins denomination array
for (let amount in denomination) {
var arr = []; // change in drawer array (2D-array)
for (let i = 0; i < cid.length ; i++) {
let temp = [];
let newArr = []; // array to return after calculating change
for (let i = coins.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // iterate through coins from greatest to least
if (coins[i] <= due) { // if coin reference is less than amount due, keep subtracting
let sum = 0;
let temp = [];
while (due >= 0 && arr[i][1] > 0) { // keep subtracting while due >= 0 and change in drawer > 0
if (round(due - coins[i]) < 0) { // if change due less coin is < 0, break
sum += coins[i]; // sum coins being dispensed
due = round(due - coins[i]); // update change due running total
arr[i][1] = round(arr[i][1] - coins[i]); // update change in drawer running total
temp.push(arr[i][0]); // push the kind of coin denominator (i.e., "PENNY")
temp.push(sum); // push the total amount kind of coins dispensed
newArr.push(temp); // 2-D array
if (due > 0) { // if change is still due, set object with insufficient funds and empty array
obj["status"] = "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS";
obj["change"] = [];
} else { // otherwise, set object with new array (updated drawer) and "OPEN" status
obj["status"] = "OPEN";
obj["change"] = newArr;
return obj; // return object
return countChange(iterCid(0, cash - price, 0), cash - price); // get object (updated drawer)